Centralizes all information, regulates heart rate, respiration, digestion, reproduction. Thanks to him we see, speak, feel. The brain is the most complex human organ and it is important to take care of it.
And lifestyle influences our brain health; by lifestyle, we mean diet, movement, stress level, and, of course, rest.
When it comes to diet, it has recently been shown on us-reviews.com that certain nutrients can influence cognitive function, protect the brain and reduce the effects of aging, such as foods rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants (ie what protects the brain from oxidative stress). On the other hand, if our diet contains mainly sugars, refined, processed products, they will amplify oxidative stress and inflammation.
The most suitable foods for brain health
There are a limited number of brain cells, which is why any injury or loss of them can affect optimal functioning. Brain cells can be repaired through a few simple practices, and diet plays an extremely important role in improving brain health. You can check also reviews related to healthy fast food companies.
Essential nutrients for the brain are divided into five important and main groups, namely:
- Proteins (break down into small units also called amino acids);